Friday, September 18, 2009

PSA test

The purpose of PSA test

Normally the blood contains a small amount of prostate-specific antigen (PSA). PSA - is a specific protein that produces prostate gland in adult men. With increasing, inflammation and other diseases of the prostate PSA level in blood increases. He rises and prostate cancer. Determine the level of PSA can be a blood test. As with any analysis, there may be false positive and false negative results. Sometimes patients with prostate cancer analysis gives a negative result, and in men with elevated PSA terrible diagnosis is not confirmed.

Men older than 50 years is recommended once a year to pass finger rectal examination and PSA test. People with bad heredity is better to start with screened 45 years. But on this there is another view. Some people are opposed to mandatory to explore all manner of men. Discuss with your doctor the need for the survey is in the case, if you over 50 or in your family history of prostate cancer. Since the usefulness of the test is challenged, you must first with your doctor to evaluate all of its risks and benefits.

Blood test for PSA can also be used to trace the development of disease or assess the effectiveness of the chosen treatment.

Preparing for the PSA test

Special training for PSA test is not required. To avoid false results, it is better to pass PSA test just before the rectal finger examination or two days or more after him.


To study the PSA take blood from a vein. The introduction of a needle, you can feel the pain, but it passes quickly. A small portion of the blood gathering in the tube and sent to the laboratory.


Blood sampling for PSA takes 3-5 minutes.

Bad Analysis: What to do?

If the content slightly higher than normal PSA and rectal examination for anything suspicious is detected, the doctor may order more tests.

The level of PSA exceeding 4 ng / ml, means 20-25% probability of prostate cancer. If the PSA level above 10 ng / ml, the probability of cancer is more than 50%. The higher the level of PSA in the blood, the higher the risk of cancer.

Nevertheless, the result of PSA test by itself is not grounds for a diagnosis of "cancer". The level of PSA may rise by 2-3 times with benign prostatic hyperplasia (increase) of the prostate gland. In addition, he may increase because of infections, inflammatory processes in the prostate gland, and after biopsy or surgery on the prostate.

If the PSA level above the norm, you need to pass transrectal ultrasound of the prostate (TRUS). To confirm the diagnosis of "cancer" also requires data biopsy.

Risks during the PSA test

Itself PSA test is practically no risk. But false positive results of this analysis makes the patient very worried and go through a number of other surveys, strenuous, and false negative result is difficult to diagnose cancer.

Normal limits

The majority of men older than 40 years, the level of PSA in the blood is less than 4 ng / ml. In men younger than 40 years, he should be no more than 2.7 ng / ml.
Rx Mississippi

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